In October 2012 our first product of food supplement series with Aloe Vera was introducted - Aloe Vera gel for drinking. At the beginning of the year 2013 the portfolio of our food supplement with Aloe Vera was extended with new successful products - Aloe vera concentrate with herbal extracts, Aloe vera + Q10 capsules and capsules with Aloe vera + Boswellia.

Aloe Vera is a subtropical plant; from its leaves pulp is obtained transparent liquid, which for its beneficial effects is not only used as a dietary supplement. Aloe Vera is attributed with soothing effect on the skin, and therefore it is widely used in cosmetics. Clinical studies have proven that the gel of Aloe Vera contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, polysaccharides and many other beneficial substances. Aloe Vera helps to protect from microorganism and overall physical well-being. It has a positive effect against fatigue, aids digestion, contributes to the health of the digestive system, helps maintain normal blood sugar levels and helps to maintain healthy skin.

In October 2012 the ESSENS company introduced hair care products containing Aloe Vera with addition of other ingredients like hemp oil, extracts of fruit and herbs and salts from the Dead Sea, which allows you to pamper your hair.

In November 2013 the product line expanded introducing our unique shaving cosmetics with Aloe Vera. These products brings softness, smoothness, hydration and eliminates itching skin after shaving. Part of the product is also unique ingredient Allantoin, which in addition to regenerative effects also helps heal the skin.

During the year 2014, our market gradually introduced additional products being the Aloe Vera Essens Toothpaste, Aloe Vera Soft Spray and Aloe Vera Antiperspirant. The Aloe Vera toothpaste does not contain fluoride and takes full advantage of the antibacterial effects of Aloe Vera. It helps to remove gum inflammation and relieve the symptoms and helps in the healing of minor wounds and infections of the mouth. Aloe Vera Soft Spray contains extracts of Aloe Vera, allantoin and the active ingredient extract from the Chelidonium majus plant. With a suitable composition ratio this is an ideal means to soothe damaged skin, ex. burns, scrapes, itching irritation or redness. Aloe Vera Antiperspirants regulates sweating with enduring effective and thanks to the unique composition containing extracts of Aloe Vera, is suitable for sensitive skin, which it effectively soothes while also providing necessary hydration.

Producers of raw Aloe Vera for our products carry many quality certificates:

Aloe Vera certificates (PDF)

GMP and HACCP certificates (PDF) 

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